History of the School

The pre-war initiative to build a primary school in Kikół was most fully expressed in the 1930s. The construction committee, whose active member was Zdzisław Kozicki - the head of the school, selected the design of a wooden building. The construction was to be financed from a loan taken out by the commune council. The war thwarted these plans, and the new idea of a brick building was not implemented until 1957. During the last half-century, the primary school operated under the direction of Tadeusz Bonowicz, Aleksander Sakowski, Lech Lancucki, Leon Wiewiórski, Andrzej Blachowski, Stanisława Kowalska, Leszek Turski, Maria Mikołajczyk and Małgorzata Rzepczyńska.
Ewa Irena Żuchowska, MSc, has been the director since December 29, 2020.
It was a great experience for the school community to give the school the name of Ignacy Antoni Zboiński in 1997. It allowed the school to adopt the main direction of educational activities - immersion in the heritage of tradition and culture of the Dobrzyń region.
June 10, 2017 the 60th anniversary of the School building was celebrated.
November 24, 2017 Primary School Ignacy Antoni Zboiński at Kikół during the celebration of the 20th anniversary of naming the name and the banner, she was honored with the PRO PATRIA Medal .